Tuesday, March 1, 2011

try again

Well, February was a total fucking wash. I could just pass on the whole entire month. They should break it up and attach the extra days to the end of other awesome months, like August. August should be forty days long and so forth. There were a few highlights to February, like my new baby Martin guitar, and groundhogs day was great because I reinstated my application for the education credential program and thus igniting a whole new phase of my life, and we moved from being ruled by the moon in to the sun. So I guess we learned a few new things and gained a few new things, I'll give February a point or two for those, but all in all it felt like a sad fly over state. So here we are in March and rather then tying my boots together and hanging them on the wall, I think I will tie them up tighter and try all over again. I may be starting what feels like two steps behind trying to shake off the shackles of February, but try I will. This month will be dedicated to the pursuit of perfection because bikini season is knocking at my door. It will also be dedicated to new people, and new friends, and trying to new things. March will be a month of newness. So we will try and try to make March count for something more than another month passed, more than another flip of the calendar. To March, and to You, and to Me...
 let this put you in a good mood to start the month

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