Sunday, November 8, 2009


I may be over worked and under slept. I fear life will never look as good as it does for me right now. Standing on the edge of every possibility at the end of a life times hard work, and countless hours of study. I still have the feeling that all this work is for a better brighter tomorrow. I can only hope that I will in some way be able to photograph the way I feel, or bottle up this optimism for a later date. Remind me then how thin, happy, and smart I was today.

one time I turned 23

I wanted nothing more than to lay poolside with the best ladies in the world, and watch my life grow.


Indian Summer breezes blow through the window, and I can't help but think of those warmer days with good music and crop tops. Sunset Music Festival in August was so dope. These are some photos from the rampage of that day and the Pricks set at the Roxy. Love Yas.