Saturday, July 31, 2010

Nice is Nice

This is in the train station leaving Barcelona. At this point we had no idea what we had gotten ourselves into...

The first ride was beautiful, and we made two new friends; Jenna and Christine. They were sitting in front of us and having just as much trouble trying to figure out the train schedule. We joined forces to find our way to Nice and became life long friends as you'll see..

We also found Travis in the bar at the train station. Together we made the Wolf Pack.

This photo looks like we are having fun but really we are bonding in misery. This train was oversold and the air conditioning was broken. It was 95 degrees with no moving air. Travis gave up his seat to an ungrateful old woman and shared our seat for the two and a half hour ride. Thankfully we survived because Christine read us Dali Lama proverbs...
Me in the Plaza near our hotel where we had coffee every morning and strolled through to get to the beach every afternoon.

The tastiest coffee drink of my travels.

We spent the days wandering through the old streets and drinking in small bars. I was always taking photos and everyone was always smiling.

I remember being really overwhelmed with happiness at this particular moment.

We'll always have Nice.

amazing two story merry-go-round. not sure i was supposed to be having as much fun as i really did.

the old streets where we wandered and drank tall boys at night and found live music to dance the night away to.

This is my new apartment I chose while having one of the best mojitos in the world.

one of many, many romantic dinners we shared :)

there's that merry-go-round again. we all met up here before going out for the night...
that is a really real smile of pure abandoned happiness.

Wolf Pack in Full Affect.

Late night naked swimming.
Tall boys on the fourth of July. No where to celebrate american independence like france!

Christine and Jenna on the floaties in the Mediterranean
life doesn't get much better than that.

It was all around one of the best days of our trip and the best 4th of July ever.

I love these two photos because they are from one night out that I left my camera at home and they were taken on Christines camera. In case you can't tell. We are having the time of our lives to a Bob Marley cover band..

We took the train one day to Monte Carlo and it was so beautiful.
always waiting for a train to come and to go....

Jenna and Rosie. We went because Jenna had a great great aunt or something there and we found her. She treated us to wine and lunch and gave me a necklace for good luck form her shop. I will never forget it.

"They wandered the streets because time was something they forgot to bring with them"

In the beautiful gardens.

We went parasailing our last day in Nice at sunset. It was simultaneously the most beautiful and most hilarious experience. I went up with Andrea and neither of us could figure out how to just hang there like babies in a jumper. Once we did, it was even funnier..
The girls in their harness. And all the guys working there were so fine. So needless to say getting into the harness was rather awkward.

I love these few pictures because they really capture what life was like in those days. The realness of the traveling and the train cars. All of our stuff spread everywhere and someone passed out at all times. Moments I will never forget..