Monday, March 29, 2010
...And We Drank The Desert Dry.
I uploaded all these photos backwards, so the beginning is the end and the end is the beginning. Can you dig it?

Self Indulgence

Marcell and Nisan sharing a milk shake over a life saving breakfast. An adorable diner in the desert who's name I cannot remember, was the perfect spot to recoup before heading back towards the sea. If you'd like to know, I had a malt and french toast for breakfast because I was feeling five.

We were blessed with unbelievably beautiful weather all weekend, and I loved the abundance of palm trees against the dry blue sky

The hotel was some super fancy shit that Marcell and I gambled for on priceline and ended up winning :) It was Nickelodeon spring break so the pool was fully stocked with screaming children and a slime machine. The day before we had margaritas, but that comes later...

I was laying on the bed of the hotel playing with macro and took this picture. It is my most favorite dress and it's like a great picture of a good friend to me. I love you man.

Not sure if it was the Nickelodeon shanagans or the overwhelming amount of high school kids that go to Palm Springs and then sneak into this hotel, but we had to wear these sweet wrist bands the whole time like it was Mazatlan your senior year.

I dig this picture for several reasons

I love this picture for all the people in it, but I wish the photographer hadn't been so drunk when she took it ;)

This one is a little better
The show on Saturday night at Oasis Bar was the last stop on the Hello Evening tour. I was happy to be present and I found the desert and it's people to be most enjoyable. The crowd was warm and stylish, and the bands that accompanied Hello Evening were well worth the trip out there.
These magical moments are brought to you by Hello Evening.
This pretty girl loves it, and you would too.
I think the bras above the stage were an element of style and class that the boys were happy to have, and I think it served their set well. Not that they needed any help.
The charming young men to the left and right of Nisan playing guitar and bass were kind and talented enough to fill in for the evening as the other members of their band seemed to be, well, not there. After listening to the record, and practicing with Kevin and Nisan for a simple 30 minute acoustic session, the boys from the desert held their own on stage. It was an incredible set, and I an amazing way for them to close this tour.
We were in our good friend Stevens home town who had booked this show, and invited all the lovely patrons. The only thing that matched their hometown hospitality was their style. I will be biting off some digs from those boys and girls. Big Thanks :)
The incredibly curious bar called Oasis served buckets of wine coolers. Semi Sweet held a Seagrams Escapes Classic Lime Margarita drinking contest on stage during their set.
Semi Sweet is not only full of some of my favorite people, but also my favorite songs. Cassie mentioned during her set a music video they made this winter in which we all got drunk on a Monday inside Detroit Bar wearing masks... wait, I lost the point. I love Semi Sweet. I love the song sleazy. Every time I see them they improve, and I was so happy they made the drive out for this show. I do hope you guys had as much fun as we did.
They also loved the bras above the stage, and I was hoping one of the girls would leave theirs behind.
While I mentioned the bar served wine coolers, I did not mention what they didn't serve. Alcohol. A bar, a biker bar... did I mention that part? It was a biker bar and there were some serious chicks in there that I would never mess with. Anyway, they didn't serve alcohol. The serious looking bartenderinforms me after about 30 minutes that she has some homemade whiskey sour I can have. Questionable? Yes. It lived in a glass jar at the end of the bar with slices of lemon inside. I said, "Por que, No?" and she served me up the meanest two dollar whiskey sour this girl has ever had.
Cute and Cuter
Before the show Marcell, Sean, and I went in search of dinner, preferably in the form of tacos or burritos. We found El Table on the iphone. I had essentially, cheese and three dollar margaritas in bud light glasses. I am always surprised to see what I look like in pictures I didn't know were being taken. Like this one. I wonder what I could possibly be thinking about so seriously at a place like that.
Behind Sean at dinner was an extensive collection of crap. Pigs, and dolls, and cups, and who knows, sat perched on a precarious shelf built into the wall.
Nissan and Marcell, poolside margarita time.
The Boys Bearing Gifts.
A wonderful drive out and up
Before we left. I think I want this color hair.

This isn't where we went, or where we started. It was painted on a huge wall at the dog hotel before we left and I thought it was so odd because we weren't in Cambria then either... maybe I'm missing something. Most likely.
Tub Love
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Home Spun
The week continued with a similar spirit as Hello Evening rolled into town on Friday night. They have been on a ten day tour of the lovely California coast. They started in San Francisco and made their way down playing shows in Santa Cruz, Big Sur, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbra, and were now in Costa Mesa to play at West Side Bar with local favorite band Semi Sweet. I had had one day off of nonstop nonsense and I was back on the train after picking up Marcell at John Wayne Airport Friday afternoon. After feeding seven hungry, hungry boys dinner we made our way over to West Side. I have seen Semi Sweet play at this venue a few times and have always enjoyed myself. The drinks are fair, and the sounds are good, so I am generally pleased. Hello Evening played first and they were everything I knew they could be. After knowing these talented young men for quite sometime I must admit it brought tears to me eyes to watch them take their true and full form. They just finished their first full length record available for download at Hello and they also have a vinyl EP available there. If that's not cool then I don't know what is. After a seven song set that you can dance to, love to, shake to, and cry to I felt their moment was over all too soon. Lucky for me I had another evening with them in store, and a rad set from Semi Sweet to keep a smile on this face.

Andrea doing what she does best. Drinking wine and selling Merch.

Marcell and Andrea say go to right now and download Mountian for a lifetime of happiness.

That's What We're Saying Too :)



Semi Sweet

Semi Sweet

Candice with Andrea and Sage whom are now in Costa Rica, lucky bastards!

Old Friends

Good Times, Great Friends, and all around lovely evening with Hello Evening

Andrea said, "Put The Tape In The Tape Deck"
Friday, March 26, 2010
Venice and The Goat
After Las Vegas Maggie remained in my care for another few days, and here I have chronicled the trouble we made and the fun we had. It was a week for the ages, and Maggie I love you more than ever!! Until Next Time.... Andrea Candice and I will be saving you a seat at the cool kid table. See you on your turf sooner that later biatch!! LOVE!

We Made an Adventure to Venice on a Lovely Afternoon in Search of Treasures.


Double M got a Henna Neck tat. She is thinking about getting it permanent.

Jenna and Sean on a photo quest

Jenna doin her thing in her new puppy hat in Venice

Our new Business card

New Polar Bear hat, no shades, Feelin Fresh stuck in traffic on the 405


Mojito at 333

Boys Heart Goat

Game On, Maggie found herself at home in an instant.

Lovely Ladies

You Know Maggie is in Town when rounds of Jameson start getting ordered!

Andrea and Maggie shakin it like were still in Vegas

Good Times.

Whats up Maji??

Candice and Matt having a lovely time

Old Bestest Friends

New Bestest Friends.... Till Next Time!!
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