Sunday, November 28, 2010

ten more days..

In ten days I will be in Minneapolis. Miss these people so much. Can't wait. :) Of course it will be much snowier than this photograph. love. love. love.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


I am thankful for Olivia, and her vegan chocolate pumpkin bread pudding. I am thankful for good rain and white snow. I am thankful for spandex and the skinny bitch dvd workout videos, and brown sugar with my oatmeal and iced tea. I am thankful for books, and records and listening to records while laying on my wood floor on a clear Costa Mesa day. I am thankful for whiskey and for my friends, drinking with whiskey with my friends. I am thankful for you. I am thankful for making out, for shoes, for world peace if there were some. I find often that I am thankful for things only after I don't have them. I am thankful for them nonetheless. I am thankful for the the second week in January and my cat Belladonna, for my sisters, for my writing, for poetry, and the french. I am thankful for mpls and the c.c. For how cold winter can be and for Maggie. I am thankful for running on the beach and twenty percent tips. I am incredibly thankful for my education and my family. I am thankful that I have so much to be thankful for..

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Funny because this month began with me playing around with the idea of home, and now as the month is coming to a close I am finding myself questioning the very idea once again, but in an entirely new way. Funny I don't think is the right word because I only find it funny at delusional and fleeting moments, I think ironic is a good word. What I would have called home at the start of this month has now been taken from me and I am more or less homeless. I have homes in the heart sort of sense, but my house that I cherished so dearly is no longer mine. The bank offered us three grand to leave by the end of the month, and being the starving artists that we are, we took the money. Apparently it is difficult to sell a property with two gypsies living inside of it. Who would have thought...? So everything that seemed to consume my days a week ago has now been set aside and I spend all day every day scouring the greater Newport Beach and Costa Mesa area looking for a new "home". We need a three bedroom. I went from being ridiculously picky to looking at places I would have never considered before. A three foot by three foot space does not constitute a third bedroom no matter how you slice it, and I swear someone was murdered on one of the properties like ten minutes before we got there it was so creepy. At times it feels hopeless and I worry I will never be as happy as I have been the last ten months in my apartment. Then at times I laugh at the way things turn out and the turns we take in life. I am glad I have my sisters to go through this with me, and I am so lucky that I have the greatest friends in the world who have offered me a place to stay come the first of next month. It's just so strange the way things change and all I can count on right now is that they will continue to surprise me. Everything that seemed to bother me last month is now so clearly trivial. I would pay you to give me my old problems back. It just goes to show that you can never have everything, and anyone who says that you can clearly hasn't stuck around long enough to see anything through. So for now we'll just let things roll. Cross your fingers for me and send us some positive vibes to lead us to the right place. I'll be the girl on the corner with a napsack slung over her shoulder. xoxo

Monday, November 22, 2010

An amazing time in Santa Barbara in thirty seconds or less...

 Friday we found ourselves in Santa Barbara
 in search of some smiles
 and new clothes
 we made friends
 and went out to dinner
 and smiled a lot
 enjoyed an amazing meal
 with delicious martinis
  seriously wonderfully delicious maritnis
 and there was a magician
then we went out
and danced a lot
with love, Santa Barbara

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

An Apple A Day

After sleeping for a brief few hours and still aching from the DOOMTREE set at The Roxy, we piled into the car and drove two and a half hours into the San Diego mountains. It was without a doubt one of the most lovely days I have seen here in Southern California. We went up to Palomar mountain to a property with over a hundred apple trees that are all over a hundred years old. The apples come from a time before genetic engineering and therefore are no specific type. The color, size, and taste varied from tree to tree. I probably tried over twenty apples off the trees and another twenty after we had harvested them. After gathering a truck full of apples we set forth like little worker bees and washed, cut, mulched, and pressed the apples into twenty some gallons of the most delicious juice you will ever have. If your in the neighborhood stop by this week, my fridge is full of it....
i love boys

where's my bike? have you seen firestorm this week?

we. are. in. a. band.

some vintage love. rest stop at the top of the mountain.

get in that phone booth, and like it dre.
feeling like were on top of the world. because we are.

and sometimes life really is as good as you always hope it would be.
and sometimes, it's even better.

I'll love you to the ends of the earth

ride this crazy train
she wondered if she could get any higher...?
the orchard
the pickers learning the science of the apples
gods gift.
I told you that warm wind was bringing love.

On a clear day, you can see straight through to tomorrow.

APPLES. step one: pick them
step two: wash them
step three: wash them again
step four: cut them
and cut some more.
step five: mulch them and press them!!
Bobbin. Noggin.

This is when we went picking in the truck....

and after a long hard days work... we all took a nap and watched the sunset .

these are the kinds of days that dreams are made of...